NCC Approves Disconnection of Exchange Telecom Ltd for non settlement of interconnect charges.


NCC Approves Disconnection of Exchange Telecom Ltd for non settlement of interconnect charges.

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has notifies the public that approval has been granted for the disconnection of Exchange Telecommunication Limited (Exchange) from MTN Nigeria Communication Ltd as a result of non settlement of interconnect charges.

The NCC said that Exchange was informed of the situation and given the opportunity to respond. After reviewing the case, the Commission concluded that Exchange lacked sufficient justification for failing to settle the charges. The disconnection aligns with Section 100 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003, and the 2012 Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators.

The public notice sent by NCC said that five days from its issuance, MTN will cease routing voice and data traffic through Exchange and will use alternative channels to connect with other network service providers. The disconnection will remain in effect until the Commission decides otherwise.

Interconnect charges are fees that telecom operators pay each other for connecting calls across different networks. Non-payment of these charges can disrupt services and affect the overall quality of telecommunications in the country.

The Commission’s decision codnotes the importance of financial obligations among telecom operators to maintain seamless communication services for consumers in Nigeria.


